Okay, I was going to get back to my post below, and i may still, but I don't feel like it right now cause I want to do this post instead.
Playing Neverwinter 2? Want to have any feat you want at any time? It's easy to do ... just follow the instructions below! You can thank me later.
1 - Enter console with the "~" key.
2 - type "DebugMode 1" (this is case sensitive, but the way, so make sure to use the big "D" and the big "M")
You'll see a message in your chat window that says you've entered debug mode.
3 - close console ("~") and select the character you want to add the feat(s) to.
4 - Reenter console ("~")
Now, each feat in the game has a number reference from 2 to just under 500. There are a lot of things you can add, not just standard feats but any "ability" that shows up in the feat window of your character (or any character). I started to make a list but got tired of writing around 50 or so ... so for now you're going to have to experiment to get the feat you need. Anyway, the how is easy....
5 - Type "givefeat #" where # is any number between 2 and 500.
Keep in mind, some numbers don't do anything (like 1, for instance). When you enter the code correctly, it will tell you in the consol window exactly what feat you have added. Most of the standard stuff is in the 2 to 100+ range. Experiment!
And have fun cheating!