first off i would like to congratulate sony,guerilla,and all ps3 owners who picked up this marvelous game. i knew this was a AAA type game and gs confirmed it. there is no doubt in my mind this is going to be a game for us ps3 owners to enjoy.
with that said, i knew the haters would come out. One of the things i heard was that Killzone 2 had a mediocre launch. ok, if you call being on top of the uk charts, and according to speculation on, had 750,000 sold within 3 days. Ok it isn't gta or halo numbes, but for 3 days, you can't call that a mediocre launch. what i call that: fanboys trying desperately to tarnish anything sony.
another one was the controller lag issue. i know this is a problem,especially for shooters...don't worry they have these things called patches for consoles now. a broken game mechanic can actually be fixed now(seems like thats what most developers are doing now. send out games not completely optimized, and patch later). it doesn't mean the game failed...just like fallout 3 did not fail. what i find funny about this whole situation is when g4tv complains about the damn problem citing that it was gg's mistake to try to make the game and control have gave the damn game a 5/ you are backtracking. maybe g4tv should have waited and actually reviewed the game more thoroughly. its why i don't trust reviews from g4. you can find this article through
so haters still yet to make themselves known, keep hating, cuz its not going to do you or anyone else any good. i will not find myself having lack of sleep over these things.,nor will i be swayed in my opinions about how a great game this is.