I know I haven't been on Gamespot's website in a long time. Been busy with life. A lot has happened since the last time I posted. For some odd reason, I found myself on this site and looking at my old posts. Man nostalgia is hitting! I can still remember the feelings I felt while writing. Got to say tho, I wrote like a 12 year old lol. Despite all the cringe, Its a nice little journey to the past.
Well, just a little update for myself - I now own 643 games. Backlog did not get any better. I still have about 383 unfinished games in my library. I Finally discovered a couple of things about myself during this time period.
- I do not like 2d platformers - I should have really known this but I kept giving this genre a try. I mean how could someone who grew up during the NES era not like 2d platformers? well no matter how much I try to say it's because I'm not in the mood, or I just have the patience to get good at it, it just doesn't click for me. Its no wonder why I started gaming a lot more once it went 3d.
- I'm a bigger Sony fan that I thought I was. Looking back, I guess I had fanboy tendencies. I tried being a neutral gamer. A manticore. Although I enjoy games that are on non Sony systems, Sony games are my favorite and I enjoy gaming on a Playstation console.Don't get it twisted tho, I am not a crazy fanatic as a lot of these guys on the internet are. I've seen a bunch of crazies out there and their fanaticism is off the charts and devoid of any logic. Its talking to a wall. The damage control and bias is off the charts.
- I do not like Mario or Zelda games. I couldn't tell you why, but i just don't. I understand Mario games since its mostly platforming games, but I am confused as to why I don't like Zelda games. Trying to get thru breath of the wild right now. Its such a slog. I'm going to just try to beat the games I already have and hope something clicks with Zelda eventually...but I'm not buying anymore Mario or Zelda games.
- Jury is still out with Halo and Gears games as well. My gaming habits says I should love these games, but for some reason I'm not engaged enough. Not buying any more games until further notice.
- Going forward, I'm not going to buy anymore MS consoles since they publish their games on PC. I finally have a laptop that can play these games.
- I bought a Nintendo system, the switch. Even tho Nintendo hasn't catered to my gaming preference with all this under powered gimmicky consoles and their main franchises not appealing to me, I couldn't resist because of their RPGS. Fire Emblem 3 houses was enough for me to buy the Switch. It was worth it. I also have Octopath and Ultimate Alliance 3 as well.
- Youtube and Twitter is where I get my gaming info and discussion fix. Its why I haven't been on GS for a long time. but I do miss all the time I spent here. Hell if it wasn't for Gamespot, I don't know what I would've done to pass time in between college classes.
- Gaming is still a big part of my life. It really wasn't a phase that I would outgrow. I do have a passion for this. But I also learned that I can deal with my depression without using gaming as a crutch. I love gaming and will continue to game, but there is no dependency to fill a void in my self esteem. I still thank gaming tho for essentially saving my life.
I don't know if or when I will be on here next time. But its always fun