jsmoke03 / Member

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just a random gaming story

every gamer has to have a specialty. may it be racing, sports, rpg's, action, fps or fighting games, there is one genre that a gamer is better at than other genre's. i can vividly remember my first game i was ever good at.

i was 17 (yes i know thats kind of old to start being good at a game, but i was a casual gamer before then) and i remember playing tony hawk pro skater 1 demo for ps1. i wasn't a skater or anything, but something about that game just called to me. suffice to say i spent 18 hours practicing on the game (ended up ditching school just to play it). none of my friends could beat me consistently. sure they would beat me once in awhile, but 90% of the time, i dominated. skipped on thps 2, but got back on thps3 because of this guy, who i taught how to play thps1, got the best of me (barely got the game for a week). so once again i put in time...destroyed him, so i was, at least among the circle of my friends, king of the hill.

i dropped the whole skating game genre because they radically changed the physics system and gameplay. no more timers, different challenges...all that ruined my gameplay experience. it was more realisitc, but it lost the magic that i loved. thps4 and thug was boring so i forgot about the whole genre...

fast forward to yesterday. i was looking for demo's to dl, and was browsing around and i came across skate. i heard good things about it...but was hesitant because thug kind of turned me off to the genre. i jumped in anyway. i started playing the demo @ 10:30....i didn't stop playing til 4 in the mornin. i got bit! i enjoyed customizing the skater and tried a lot of different outfits. but what got me was the trick system. it wasn't a bunch of button pressed combo centric game, jeff gerstman was right, it felt organic and natural. the tricks were soo cool and soo rewarding to pull of. i kinda felt like i was skating. the graphics were awesome, almost everything about that game is awesome. so i'm going to add skate 1 and skate 2 to my gaming library soon...

a side note. i don't trust demo's for the most part. star wars force unleashed left a bitter taste in my mouth. i can't believe that a good demo like that turned soo freaking frustrating. with that said, skate was such a great enough demo that i have to be convinced despite my reservations.