jsmoke03 / Member

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killzone 2 demo impressions

so its been a rough 2 1/2 months of being homeless. sleeping in the car, staying at friends couches, but despite all that, i still managed to keep up with gaming. I pre ordered kz2 and tried it out on my ps3 at my friends house along with a couple of my buddies. i must say i'm impressed.

Even for a demo, killzone 2 looked amazing. We all know about all that technical hooplah it boasts, and the attention to detail put in, but i think what caught my eye the most, is the environment felt, for lack of a better word, just right. Its chaotic, and run down, yet it was beautiful. it was a good environment for a war. also the game is violently satisfying. Headshots felt rewarding, and seeing helghast gundown is a sight to see. i cant mention enough about the graphics...and everyone else put it with better words so i'm just going to say that it awesome

the gameplay got mixed reactions with my friends and me. All of my homies played cod and not much else, so they were dissapointed at how slow the game ran and the cover system. My homies play reckless with no real strategy in mind, so i can understand their cricticisms. I on the other hand loved the change of pace. Shooters sometimes sacrifice a bit of strategy for mindless fun with unrealistic tactics. Campers are frowned upon, though in real life, its probably whats best keep you alive. With killzone 2 and the cover system, it tries to come at a compromise, giving you a bit of cover, and challenges a person to think of strategies to get around a person shooting through cover, or how to take over a strategic point. It also gives people who don't have naturally good aim a chance to play. Cod is not the onlyfps out there.

can't wait for killzone 2, hope to see my fellow gamers on psn sometime soon