ok so i have this stupidly old tv thats as old as my sister that just failed on me. the av plugs got pushed in because it only had one set of av plugs while i was switching from my ps3 to cable. i had to switch to another room and now the signal strength varies between 30% to 60%. this is a big problem when i play any online game as i lag like a mutha especially when i play call of duty. my signal dips from green to red every 5 seconds. so my k/d ratio has been fluctiating and i can no longer rush with my m40 sniper with acog because of the lag. worse, everyone thinks i'm lag glitching....its sooo frustrating. not only that but my comp seems to not connect to the gateway so i'm left with my laggy ps3 for my internet. anyone who touts the internet browser of the ps3 as a great feature must be smoking something cuz its barely functional and very clunky without a keyboard and mouse.
meanwhile, i started my buying spree again (not as bad as before) i have purchased the following games
- skate 2
- fight night round 4
- street fighter 4
- uncharted 1
- brothers in arms: hells highway
these games are pretty awesome (still sucking and sf4 though) and i'm especially surprised at how good uncharted is. i didn't particularly impressed with the demo, but i picked it up due to how good uncharted 2 looked. Well uncharted is awesome, and i can understand why soo many people say this is their favorite game this gen. awesome graphics and awesome gameplay, with terrific voice acting. 8.0 is hardly the score it deserves in gamespot.
also ive been pleasantly surprised how fun gaining trophies are. i'm not hip to the idea of buying games like hannah montana to get platinum trophies, but i get satisfaction out of getting some trophies, especially if i don't have to deviate 2 much from my playstyle. i'm not addicted by any means, but its a welcome feature.
one thing i am disapointed about is that i didn't finish any games over summer break thanks to call of duty. i spent all 2-3 months trying to get the 10th prestige and i became apart of a clan. how that happened was a bit weird. over winter,i taught one of my close homegirl how to play since all she did was watch me and his brothers and homeboys play. suffice to say she got good and she got addicted. she got a boyfriend and he played as well. also, his bestfriend plays, so we decided to make a clan. so if you see 4ZkN clan, thats us...or HUMPD clan (alternate mess around clan). oh almost forgot, i taught my little sister how to play call of duty she enjoys the quick scope, no scope technique. she has really good aim, but bad tactics. im trying to have my sister and my homegirl start an all girl clan.....so if any girls interested (i hardly doubt any girl reads my blog anyway) join up....
lastly, if anyone has any tips on the boss fight on the bridge stage on killzone 2 , please lemme know since i'm getting frustrated with this flying mech. i know to shoot these blue rods to stun the mech, but switching from my a/r to the rocket launcher takes way 2 long. thats all for now folks