First I would like to say this 2012 was personally a great year for gaming. Not only did I have a plethora of great gaming experiences, but I reached a lot of gaming milestones. As I have said before in a previous blog, I have a big backlog and in 2012, I managed to finish 25 games and a lifetime completion of 109. As a collector, I managed to bring my total current collection to 312, and have my ps3/psn totals reach over 100. Lastly, my enthusiasm for gaming which has waned for awhile returned and I came back to gamespot after a couple years of little to no activity.
With a great 2012, I'm looking to up continue this momentum into 2013. 2012 showed me how much more fun I can have with games if I give myself goals and challenges. For far too long, I let my backloggery accumulate with great games that I never get to experience because of laziness and a short attention span. 2012 was a turning point and 2013 will be much better. So with that I share to you my gaming New Years resolution list(everyone loves lists) for 2013
I WILL WORK ON MY ALL TIME FAVORITE GAMES LIST- I've always wanted to put out a personal list, and I do have different versions out there. However, those lists are incomplete. Right now I own a lot of games that are criticaly acclaimed that are not on my list simply because I havent had the time to play them. I can't really justify a list when i haven't played Metal Gear Solid,Shadow of the Colossus,Ico etc. This leads me to my next two resolutions....
I WILL CONTINUE TO FINISH GAMES- So out of 312 games, I still need to finish 192 or 61.5%. That total is probably going to fluctuate because of the great 2013 game lineup, but I have to get my percentage totals to something a bit more respectable A lifetime goal is to finish at least 80% of my games,but I have to deal in smaller goals first so my goal for the year is to beat a minimum of 30 games this year. Its a daunting task since I'm not 10 years old anymore, but I think 30 is a manageable number. Besides, whats 30 games if I'm having fun right? I just have to balance my time with sports and multiplayer games with campaigns and it should be no problem.
I WILL PLAY OLDER GENERATION GAMES- This generation's introduction of achievements and trophies along with the graphical increase had both a positive and a negative effect on my gaming habits. On the one hand, I get more out of my games, but on the other, older games became a lot more forgettable. So if I'm to give a more accurate list and make a dent in my backlog, I have to finish older generation games. So my goal is to finish a minimum of 5 games from older generations of games.
RAISE ACHIEVEMENT/TROPHY PERCENTAGE- Yes I'm becoming addicted to trophies and achievements. My ps3 gamer card shows i have accumulated about 37.4%(side note: I cannot find a 360 gaming card that shows me achievement percentage so if anyone knows of a site that does, pm me or leave me a comment). I know I'm not going to platinum every trophy, but I want to get the percentage to betweeen 40-50%. Not only is this going to add replay value to games, but this allowsme to free up hard drive space on my ps3 and xbox 360 of game data of games I want to still trophy hunt for.
COLLECT,COLLECT, AND COLLECT- With all the rumors surfacing of new consoles releasing this year, this is the time to start buying those games off the wishlist. I have never bought a console at launch but I'm pretty sure plenty off people are.Some are going to be trading in their libraries for store credit for the new systems, and prices will be discounted for new games to clear inventory. I didn't take full advantage last generation so I am not missing out on this generation.
2013 is going to be another awesome year. Game on!