jsmoke03 / Member

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Thank you sony!

For months now, i've been blogging and expressing my feelings for sony to step up. I thought that it started when mgs4 came out, but not that many people jumped on board.Since that day, sony has been firing their big guns as we have seen a plethora of quality titles worthy of any gamers attention. Despite all the quality put forth by sony, not that many jumped on the bandwagon. Finally just a couple of weeks ago, sony dropped the price, and now the gamers are finally jumping. Funny how gamers didn't flock with games but with the price. Whatever the reason, its okay, welcome to the family!

but that isn't why i'm writing, i'm writing because i was one of the ones that jumped on because of trust in sony, when there was little to be optimistic about. The games soon followed after i joined, and that was what i was thankful for. I took a chance when i could have easily had instant gratification with a 360 (which i know would have bricked on me since i got hooked on cod4) which has a great library, but for some reason, i knew sony would deliver. AND IT DID IN A BIG WAY. playing kz2 sp and uncharted recently, i found myself having 2 much fun. As my cod4 obsession is dying (stupid lag) i turn to the sony exclusives, and i must say that these games are super awesome. I wish i had all the exclusives, but the ones i picked up are super awesone.

  • Uncharted has blown away any scepticism from the demo. it is a fullfledged AAA title imo, and i think the best sony exclusive ive played soo far.
  • killzone 2 is by far the best fps sp experience i've ever had. unlike cod, there is no infinite wave of bots and grenade spamming. The cover system really works well and every fps should have one if they want to consider giving us players immersive gameplay.
  • little big planet is the sibling game. My sister and i enjoy going through levels together. a great platformer and i'm still gushing over the whole cutesy and creative take on a platformer.
  • mgs4 is an awesome game that i havent been able to really spend time on because i haven't finished the first 3 games. the first level is awesome, and i still think is the best looking game this gen (until uncharted 2 comes out) i heard that a trophy patch is coming sometimie (rumor) so i can hold off a bit on finishing the game. one thing that tripped me out, is this was the first game my sister was interested in playing. thats how good this game is
  • gt5p is a demo, but a very damn good one. i litteraly love car shoping with this game. the visuals are top notch, and the driving physics is awesome...

with all the great titles that have already come to the ps3, surprisingly the future releases seem to look much better. with uncharted 2, heavy rain, last guardian,gt 5 and all sorts of other games that i can't even remember right now, i'm having a hard time fitting this all into my budget. thank you sony! this generation has been an awesome experience and i look forward to many more