wow, i always thought i was a gamer, but i'm seeing that i'm getting more addicted in the last year alone than i ever was since i started gaming at the age of 7. I think i have bought more than 10 games alone since the beginning of the year. about 30 something in 2 years.
With all the shopping i have done so far, i know i'm not done, NOT YET. i still have gt4 to look forward 2, and i'm trying to see if i can find a way to fit kotor & raw vs. smackdown in my budget. In the last month, i bought a lot of bargain based games such as thug and vice city. I really hate how they re-design the box to put greatest a weird way it makes me feel as if i bought it just for that sole purpose, rather than knowing that i bought it cuz i was interested in the game. $20 is $ as long as i have the game, i guess i have no shame. This season is really a season to marvel at with the games....i'm amazed at all the quality games that came out. Some games aren't my taste, but i recognize that its a great game whether i find it fun or not. This is why i don't like halo series although i can see why other people love that game soo much.
Tjere are soo many great games out there that have been released, and others still waiting in the wing. I know that most of the anticipated games have already come out with only prince of persia, kotor2, gt4, mgs3 that i thinkare noteworthy games. I can't forsee such a a lineup being better than this year although ffxii and zelda are out next year.
with that said, i find that games are built with quality, and not as innovative. Everyone in the system wars thread is right when they say everything is a rehash....cuz it kinda is. No sequal popped out that completely changed the franchise. Thats why i'm less critical on innovation cuz to call GTA:SA is a flop bcuz it is a rehash to me is just plain stupid. I think that as long as there are things that are improved upon, then its ok in my book. So there is o the year 2004 and video games....*pouring the 40*