@santinegrete @BladeStrike1234 @enzyme36 I spent about 25 hours playing through Dead Space 3. I did find the extras and kick every ass along the way though.
My second play through was no B.S. and took just under 16 hours.
@laser00 @R2C25 @jsphcnly69 @Badgamewontsell Vanquish was a solid game, but Dead Space has a great deal more depth. As a universe and in variety of gameplay.
It looks more fun than I was expecting. I am pleasantly surprised and intrigued. I'll pick this one up and give it a whirl. I've been enjoying the limitelessness of Little Big Planet... but I'm ready for a break. Plus I want to finally finish up my metal gear solid, before Streetfighter v Tekken, Assassins Creed 3, Black OPS, and Perona 4 come out. I'll get Battle Royale too, but it won't be quite as immersing as all those others.
I'm still excited for the game as well, but I did think that these detailed character sketches would be more appropriate as unlockables once you beat the game. I want to be surprised and excited... and the couple good trailers were all I needed to see. I have chosen to not watch the latest advertising materials that have been coming out. Largely because I don't want to be fatigued by the game before it comes out. So I can see both sides of this discussion. 1.) Don't watch them all... get a taste... and then just be patiently excited until it releases. 2.) The games promotional department should probably just make another great trailer that freaks us out, or just let's some clues out. 3.) MW3, God of War 3, and Dead Space 2 all did really well with creating intrigue and excitement on the merit of the trailers alone.
While I am an educated gamer and usually don't respond to the type of fear-mongering that blames video games for the world's violence... I do have an example in both directions. I was a Virginia Tech student at the time of the shooting and I was dreading hearing that lunatic was a gamer, but fortunately, he had never been into Video games. However, the guy who shot up that school in Norway killed 69 people and he directly sited Call of Duty: MW2 as his best training tool. He claimed it enabled him to prepare for so many different possiblilities within his attack. Lastly, Fox news is off the band wagon right now, in order to fully concentrate on getting a Republican elected for their greedy mega-money lobbyist masters. "Crazy like a Fox news" - Futurama
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