I liked it. The story was not quite as good as the first, but I liked the Mass Effect system of choices during conversation. The story wasn't as epic in scope.
One of my professor's rationalized letting his son play Halo by saying, "he's mostly killing aliens, not humans." Not sure if that will work on your parents...
I honestly hated on it before release because it's Microsoft's punch back at the Wii, which I owned for a while and disliked. The Kinect is surprisingly well executed, but it's going to take some really great software support to get me interested enough to buy it. Right now they don't have a "must have" Kinect title, and I won't buy it until they do.
As much as I'd like to see game play over Xbox Live for free, it's not going to happen. Microsoft brings in a lot of money operating Live the way they do now, which is why they are raising subscription prices in November. I just wish gold members got something more than just online gaming.
Expert plus was just a mode where they charted the full double bass pedals on drums. Not even every song had a double bass chart. It was meant to be more realistic. I don't think there would be any equivalent for guitar.
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