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jtkode Blog

I've decided

I've decided to tell you all more about Cybernations!!!!!!!!!



Cybernations is the best game ever! It seriously is, I have been playing for a year and a half now and I absolutely love it, I think you all would too! Please PM me if your thinking about joining, I would love to help you out!

o/ CN

o/The Order of Halsa

o/ Tv.com

o/ admin

Going DARK!!!! w00t!

I'm hardly never here anymore but I sure will support going dark on september 30 because I hate this new format. Thanks Glen for making this happen!... Also take part in this yourselves and put the avatar on your...Avatar! w00t! Go revolt! And onwards to the 30th of next month as well if its not changed!!!!

I'm a retiree

Yeah guys, ya know how I was souped for my SYTYCD guide, well, it gets annoying to have to accept/deny 25 submissions a day. I'll miss it, I really will, but this is my first guide that I'm retireing. I'm not on enough to handle it, and I'll miss it, and I miss you all. Have a great summer!


Hey everyone!

Yo Yo Yo,

To all my homedawgs at tv.com yO! I miss you all so much! lol, I was just remembering the great times at tv.com and just in general life. Really, I use to go on tv.com, now evolving from that I go on this game called www.cybernations.net. Its an awesome game and I've talked about it on many different blogs before haha. Well yeah, I love growing up, you get to experience new things and really just everything about it! Oh yeah, I've got a new girlfriend, and yes, I'm a player, I'm the tv.com pimp persay! lol w00t! Lol, I'm still totally in love with my banner, look! I made it, hell yeah I did! lol. Oh yeah guess what, I got my 2nd warning the other day for me not checking my guides, sorry my peeps, I don't mean to not check it, and yes, its because I don't love you. Yeah yea yeah, yada yad yada, I've taken up the guitar and I'm in track which is working out awesome and I'm having a great time this year, I cant wait for summer!!! And yo, peeps, hit me up with a PM I'm not completely dead, I do respond to them, and I would really like to hear from some of you!

So, level 25 eh?

Well guys, its taken me a while to get to level 25 huh! lol... well I'm here now and I'm really happy to get my coco phone , it's a lot better then Golden Girl... ew, just ew... haha. I've been iight, been doing better in school and all, and I'm sitting next to a really hot girl!!! lol, well I'm out cuz I have to get back to class, peace out, and have a great day, sorry for the quick blog!


One Year Today!

I come here to tell all tv.com folk that today is my one year annaversary here at tv.com! I have been here for a while now and I have loved all the people I have me along my great, humorous journey. Although I have been, for the most part, largely innactive :( in the past months :(. I do appreciate you all stoping by my blogs! I've made a lot of good friends here on tv.com also, and although there are many, there is only one that I could possibly mention in my one year blog. That is Polar Ice Girl, yes I said her name without even a nickname!!! As I have said before we met one day after she satarted (the day I started) and we have been friends ever since. (I have kept even our first PM in which she said "I'm all about the ice hehehe") And I cant even fathom a tv.com without her. This has been an awesome year and there will be more of them to come, there is no doubt about that!

Also, it has come to my attention that Pooldude has retired his editorship unwillingly at that. At this I will say that Miroku deserved the editorship in full, he is a capable person who has been dedicated to the Avatar forums since I have known them and I think that the Mods did not make the best decition on this topic and I will there, leave it at that.

Thank you to all of my friends here on tv.com! This blog is dedicated to you and of course to my dear friend PolarIceCap.


Merry happy jolly old Christmas!!!

WHO IS EXCITED FOR CHRISTMAS!!! I know I am, I love this time of year, although the snow in Rhode Island will not leave! haha, you can practically see no gravel or dirt, its all ICE!!! Although I cant say I don't love snow haha, its the best! What are you guys doing for christmas, I think I'm going to go to my dads house for christmas eve and then my moms for the actual day, DOUBLE PRESENTS! YAY! haha, although I don't really want anything in particular. What do you guys want?

OO and do any of you celabrate anything other then Christmas, I wanna know! haha, well peace out, and have a great day!


Sad day :'(

Well I'm failing some classes :'( one by only four percent :'(... I don't know I'm just not really having a good month, I'm kinda stressed out fully, but hey I GOT A CELL PHONE! W00t, I have complained about not having one forever and now I have one, I'm souped, I haven't really leveled up in forever on tv.com, I really have to get on that I just don't have any time... I am resigning from my alliance in Cybernations and once I do that I will be on a lot more! Thanks for everyones support also... I have to go to work in an hour also :(... omg I'm so tired! I missed the bus today, that sucked my mom was really rude about it too... I really do nothing I need to get more active! GRRRR, so how are you guys?

With love,


Jtkode is Back, whaz??? ez et true???

"Who The What Now"

Your Friendly old Jtkode is back in the good world of tv.com, I have been exploring different sites for about four months and really none have compared to tv.com, except www.cybernations.net, which just rocks in itself, look me up, I'm Jtkode there too! Well where do I begin in life? Zomg! Well I'm doing great! I'm really happy and I got a job, yea, and to the people who know me well on this site, no its not back at McDonalds, lmao! I work at Shaw's now for those of you who do not know what a shaws is, its a grocery store... I make mad dough but I have to pay like 200 insurance a month now because I GOT MY LICENSE, its ok... not that great but w/e :). I have started talking to some people again on tv.com, like my bff, durr, you guys know! But yea I really haven't wanted to make a blog because of my last one getting 77 hits, I was aiming for 100 but ahh 77 is a good number for me! So Christmas huh! I LOVE EGGNOG!!! OMG!!! We got it and I was like, AHHHH!!!! I NEED IT, GIVE IT TO ME!!! So I bought some on break and I drank it all! I really love eggnog! I always eat Utz Salt n' vinager chips also, they rock!Also everyone, look, I have been doing more submissions, I will start working on a new guide too, And the great thing is, I'm definitally back for good now, I decided to come back because I really miss you guys and our intense Avatar discussions ya know. I love you guys so much!I FINISHED HARRY POTTER, yea I did, no joke, it rocked, like, my socks, right, off! It was such a sad ending though! Sokka is like the **** in this new avatar season huh! I'm like Sokka's guru, although the whole sokka's master episode could have been better, Sokka rules, OOO maybe a new Icon for me? Ya think, do you guys think my Icon is getting old, I don't lol I love it, its has Jtkode literally writen on it! lol. What about my banner, is that getting old too? hmmmm we will think on this. So what else...Oh yea my sister moved out of my house, hmmm sad, aye? she got her own appartment its sick!!! Not really but lets say it is! Well I guess that is all for today, have a grand ole opre of a day! Nighty Night!


POST HERE!!!! (if your cool)

LOL Hi everyone, I absolutely hate having 4, yea only 4 profile views now, just because I'm not on doesn't mean you cant visit me and my profile!!!!! lol jk, well if your cool post it here, if your not then ew, this is a party blog/ see how many posts I can get, if I don't get more then 30 I will cry and never come back so POST POST POST!!! lol :) I still remember you all and love you!!! You all have been great, Polariecap, where are you!! I miss you!!! ~Jtkode