"Who The What Now"
Your Friendly old Jtkode is back in the good world of tv.com, I have been exploring different sites for about four months and really none have compared to tv.com, except www.cybernations.net, which just rocks in itself, look me up, I'm Jtkode there too! Well where do I begin in life? Zomg! Well I'm doing great! I'm really happy and I got a job, yea, and to the people who know me well on this site, no its not back at McDonalds, lmao! I work at Shaw's now for those of you who do not know what a shaws is, its a grocery store... I make mad dough but I have to pay like 200 insurance a month now because I GOT MY LICENSE, its ok... not that great but w/e :). I have started talking to some people again on tv.com, like my bff, durr, you guys know! But yea I really haven't wanted to make a blog because of my last one getting 77 hits, I was aiming for 100 but ahh 77 is a good number for me! So Christmas huh! I LOVE EGGNOG!!! OMG!!! We got it and I was like, AHHHH!!!! I NEED IT, GIVE IT TO ME!!! So I bought some on break and I drank it all! I really love eggnog! I always eat Utz Salt n' vinager chips also, they rock!Also everyone, look, I have been doing more submissions, I will start working on a new guide too, And the great thing is, I'm definitally back for good now, I decided to come back because I really miss you guys and our intense Avatar discussions ya know. I love you guys so much!I FINISHED HARRY POTTER, yea I did, no joke, it rocked, like, my socks, right, off! It was such a sad ending though! Sokka is like the **** in this new avatar season huh! I'm like Sokka's guru, although the whole sokka's master episode could have been better, Sokka rules, OOO maybe a new Icon for me? Ya think, do you guys think my Icon is getting old, I don't lol I love it, its has Jtkode literally writen on it! lol. What about my banner, is that getting old too? hmmmm we will think on this. So what else...Oh yea my sister moved out of my house, hmmm sad, aye? she got her own appartment its sick!!! Not really but lets say it is! Well I guess that is all for today, have a grand ole opre of a day! Nighty Night!