- jtmellon’s Activity
So was it a film of a disaster or was it a disaster of a film?
@lonewolf1044: I concur that you have concurred.
”With fascism newly fashionable again in some parts of the world”. What part of the world would that be? Idea, review video games and keep political views to yourself.
@simonthekid7: Some are, yes. Berzerk, Frenzy, Asteroids Deluxe and I think a few more. This is why I returned my 7800.
Sorry but this game is not a 9 maybe a 6 at the most. Buggy and boring for the most part. Just glad I didn’t pay for it thanks to game pass.
Discount because nobody wants it.
Already sold out and I’m sure most will be going on eBay.
Smart man.
Already sold out. Target must preorder like one case.
@Slannmage: As once being the slowest kind in class, I resent you comment. 🤓
@bhagenbeek: IGN gave it a 7 out of 10 saying it’s good, reviews are all over the place on this game.
@simonthekid7: It is new for that price or you can buy refurbished for a few dollars less.
Looking to playing it again.
Was up for preorder, now unavailable.
@olddadgamer: Don’t forget to take the packets of ketchup or is it catsup?
@brimmul777: Enjoy your day off.
So just give loved ones your password and user name and email account is linked to. Problem solved.
@Sam3231: Make sure to preorder as they do sell out.
The game was ok, not full retail ok more like 50% off ok.
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