What cave have you been living in?? Millions play pvp - hunger games style in private servers, in fact this is what's keeping minecraft alive right now since new updates stopped all the mod frenzy. It's fast and it's fun and it's a smart move that they release official pvp. What remains to be seen is how well they implement it...
Lets make something clear: for an MMO the quality of PvE is judged by GROUP content. That is the whole point of playing an MMO, teaming up with other people in order to combine your classe's unique skills, with those of the rest of your group. I dont care if the art, storyline and animations are perfect, if it feels like single player then it is not what I paid for. Guild Wars is a game of great quality, but the fact that it is an MMO without PVE should be mentioned in the review and taken into account. So spare me the great words and perfect scores, IF you love PVP then it's the perfect game but this is NOT a complete MMO that deserve a 9.0, it is a PVP MMO with a nicely polished single player PVE storyline that feels too casual for any traditional MMO player.
jtsigos' comments