There's no need to bash other consoles just because they don't look too appealing to you. Just shut the $#@^ up and enjoy the games you play. In other words, mind your own business!.
As long as Sony keeps or improves the Online Multiplayer experience clean and free of bugs it is fine with me. I dont wanna see something like Master's chief's advertising of Mountain Dew.
I'm a Sony Fan and even I know that Nintendo Failed to bring killer exclusive games at the Wii u Launch. WHERE'S ZELDA,METROID,MARIO PARTY, AND SO FORTH?. by the time nintendo comes up with those games the PS4 AND XBOX ONE ARE GONNA BE OUT AND NINTENDO WOULD LOSE STEAM. EXCEPT FOR ITS MOST LOYAL FANS. Nintendo should have gotten those exclusives games by now. now was the time to make a difference.
@Grenadeh @juan99692k6 ok boy, you're trying to be smart with me? I asked MS if they shouldn't be focusing on making great games instead? , In this Modern age, consoles that do more than one thing (besides playing games) are almost a sorta standard feature , very common , nothing new really. so what is so special about the "Xbox One"? that you are able to watch your fav Tv shows, use it as a DVR,etc? I WANT A GAMING CONSOLE!, NOT A DVR WITH KINECT.
juan99692k6's comments