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juanfraino Blog

Easier than I expected... not.

1000/1000 in Call of Duty 4. Hurra for me! heh. My hands hurt from playing all day. I better go to sleep, took me 3 days to do the hole sp on veteran because I died waaay too much. Geometry wars is still a b!tch, totally impossible... I kinda give up on that one.

BTW, I'm one of the people that think the nintendo press conference was lacking some serious kid icarus, new zelda and new wii colors. But hey, gta for the ds. There is still light at the end of this tunnel.

Getting 200/200 in geometry wars...

Is f***ing impossible. WTF, WTF, WTF and more WTF. I keep getting killed by the most silly enemies everytime (the green things and the pink mofos that split in two when shot) I reach 470.000, screw this. I'm going home.

This is the reason I haven't even bought or played any other games for the last 2 weeks, this is ridiculous. No xbla can be able to break me.

BTW, yesterday I went to see "the happening", it was alright. Lost of people just killing themselves. What could be more watchable than that? 4 stars out of 5 if there is need of a scale.

Stupid birds.

I'm currently deciding if I will dedicate a week of my free time to finding, and killing all 200 birds in gta iv. Friday and Saturday were dedicated to doing all the stunts and this morning I finished them all.

Sometimes I think R* just put these things for the sake of finding out how much we can stand this type of a grind. I'd much rather lvl in HN or do the races that I have yet to win.

Oh, I almost forgot, I decided to cancel my amazon copy of AC, seeing as how awesome that Battlefield Bad Company demo is. I think my money will go to that game instead. I might buy UT3 too, but I checked out those achievements... most of them are insane like that "Get a Life" one... I'd much rather "get a life" then try and get those points.

And here I leave with a gift..

Spore's creature creator pic of the life time:


Be afraid.:|

I basically gave up.

When a friend of mine told me that the cod4 single player mode could be over with 1 solid day of playing I thought it would be a good idea to step up the difficulty to hard, but dam. I'm at this level were it's only 2 of us vs 156412 enemies + 3 dogs and oh lord... kicks my ass every time. The heli I'm waiting for takes too much time to get to my location. I think I'm gonna have to play it on normal, because wow... I surrender.

Btw, probably buying a game tomorrow (via amazon), dunno witch tho. Maybe Mass Effect, or Halo 3, or AC, or Bio Shock. As you can see I need to catch up with 2007... like right now. :|

I got the call.

I'm like the only person left in the world who has not played Call of Duty 4, no longer ladies. Early impressions say that the achievements are way easy and I rock at the multiplayer (I've played about 4 team death-matches and I already get better kill scores than some lvl 55 people). Also, about 90% of the people who I have played with ar jerks, seriously, an 8-12 year old telling some other 8-12 year old to "drop some balls" because of the tone of their voices is downright sad. Thank god there's a mute option.

Btw, I'm 33 hours in gta iv, but only a bit above 50% completion. Finding that "special someone" better be worth it, because the missions I'm doing are only giving me 10-15k. After the bank mission, that is a lame reward. They should at least let me buy RPGs by now dam.

Edit: finished GTA IV, god the sad ending. FĀ·"$%! Gonna play it again to get the other ending.

Call of Duty mp level: 22.

What a start, heh.

Seconds after I left Roman's place for the first time, I accidentally punched a homeless guy that was following me, getting a 1 star wanted level. Niko suddenly surrendered to the fat cop that was behind him, only to make a run for it, totalling up a 2 star wanted level, and had to grab a car and make a run for it, witch meant running over some people in the process. Seriously now, it was JUST a punch in the face to some random person, this place is too delicate.

Living under the rock.

Wth, I just read that GTA IV has a multiplayer component, and a robust one at that!

I miss knowing every little detail of every game like back in 05, but I just don't have the time if I plan to rank up in Vegas. Am I the only one that fears dedicating a tremendous amount of time playing GTA IV now? Because after learning about this little news, I could have just planned my weekends towards it, casually finishing the single player story in 3 or 4 goes, now I must plan a hole month of of my spare time solely for GTA love-spreading. R* is the best.

It was about time anyway. With tag stuff.

Today I uninstalled Counter Strike Source, a game that has been in my hdd since 2004, it feels weird. After playing it for hundreds of hours... I feel like I'm simply done with it. To my surprise the thing was like 5GB... too much space in my opinion.

That all may be a totally simple thing for most people, but I guess this means that moving to console shooters wasn't such a bad move after all. Besides, people playing on PC shooters always talk about how much there computer is worth, how they over clocked it, and how many frames per second the game is running for them... boring. I now prefer a wide variety of immature xbox t-bagers… o well, at least there are a bunch of women playing UNO.

BTW, I'm on the way of completing all the achievements for Rainbow Six, just 4 more to go! yay.

PS: I've been also playing Brawl, and it's good. But I'm too lazy to un-lock every character, aka, play the single player mode. It's been a total success with the family though, I guess there is still some hidden love for that JIGGLYPUFF in our lives.


ok, forgot about this tag stuff, sorry.

1- I gamble, like, way to much.

2- I use glasses now to view anything farther than a couple of meters away. Thanks CS:S!

3- I have cheated on my girlfriend... couple of times to be exact.

4- For some reason, I always end up 5 minutes late for work.

5- Back in the early 90's, I was a fan... I was the ULTIMATE fan of the Power Rangers. I even dressed up like the black Power Ranger form Season 1 on some Halloween.

Ok, all done.

I created a new gamertag, it's SYLAR GT, I think it's a bit more serious than my past one. Bad thing is that I now have to regain all my points. But what ever. I also got Rainbow Six Vegas. And since the sequel is right around the corner, I might play that multiplayer every day. If you wish too add me as a friend, that be great, because im back to 0.

Ok, bye all.

Happy new year! ... late edition.

Hi, just decided to hit that "new blog entry" button again. Figuring it's been months since I made the last one.

Everything is fine. Work is still awesome. Last year I bought a psp (with some games), an xbox (with some games) and a AOC hdtv that does 720p.

Oh, and I was going to make this blog a month ago. But there is something about gamespot that just doesn't click with me anymore. I am spending more time in gametrailers though, probably because I am hooked to that gtd system (900 and counting!)

My gamertag for now is Snorlax818, I say "for now" because I realized that Snorlax818 is one stupid name (and the random people who I played with online reminded me everyday of that fact). So when my second month of live expires (in a few days), I will make a new one. Witch sucks, because Now I need to start every game again.

Oh, and I'm using metacritic now when I go for reviews. Best way to not go by what a single review says, and much practical when you have little tome to decide on what to buy.

So here is my current status:

What am I doing now: Working all day. Watching season 1 of LOST all night.

What will I do in a few days: Change gamertag and receive Viva PiƱata and Rainbow Six: Vegas in a few days from Amazon.

What will I never do: Have pizza for breakfast, go to a night club on a Monday night.

Happy new year everyone!

*imagines getting 5 gtd for making new blog*

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