Considering she masters every ability that supposedly takes years of practice in the first attempt, it would have to be a very good reveal.
Palpatine makes sense, but how old would he have been if he had her, and who was her mother? A clone of Palpatine makes more sense, with obvious changes as to hide her (his) true identity.
I still think it'll cut back to the bit where she's offered to sell BB-8 and it was all a daydream. She thinks "F that!" And sells him. Roll credits.
Wouldn't surprise me if they launch Halo Reach for MCC on Xbox One during E3, or at the very least give a date. I personally can't wait. Reach is my favourite Halo game. It combined a great campaign with addictive multiplayer, and the fact your progress on any game mode added together to unlock some pretty sweet armour. Hope they keep that system in.
@gamingdevil800: hopefully it'll make an appearance at EGX in September. I'm a massive Halo fan, and I'll admit 100% that I am a bit salty over not being able to play this.
Here's hoping Blackpool gets one and doesn't get smashed or knocked in the first day.
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