To clarify, I've done this routine many times without being shocked. To date, it's only happened twice. Unfortunately, it's been the last two times it was docked.
jubino's forum posts
Scariest thing I recall? That dang piano in Super Mario 64.
Man it's been a long time, GameSpot. Any who, twice..twice now my Switch has produced arcs of electricity. Both times were the same setup.
How to shock yourself:
Step 1. Play your Switch in dock mode. Both times I had it docked while I played Breath of the Wild for maybe a couple hours with the controllers separated (not in the joycon controller grip)
Step 2. Place Switch in Sleep Mode
Step 3. Attempt to slide joy con controllers back onto Switch for charging.
Step 4. Watch in bewilderment and pure terror as mini bolts of lightning spew between the controllers and the Switch.
Step 5. Pray your hands are not in harms way.
Step 6. Curse as Zeus' fury strikes your fingertips (the first time shocked me three times in a row before I threw the controller down)
Anybody else experience this or am I just that cool?
Also, yes the switch is plugged into a surge protector.
Beatles>Jesus>Pudding>Rice>Rice Pudding>New Direction
Yeah, this is nothing new, but it still baffles me every time it happens. We applaud after a musical performance or a play to show our appreciation of their skill and hard work, but what does clapping in a theater do besides annoy the other patrons? No one involved in the movie's production is even there to here you. Who are you clapping for?
I can play it, but I have my own style. It sounds a lot like Beethoven mixed with a dying rabbit.
I give them a 10! A mother******* 10! Unless she's fat.
I was born plenty mature. It's been all downhill since.
I tuned in a few times and was disappointed every time.
I'd wait til she's liquored up again. She may not remember what happened and you don't want to risk her coming to her senses before reaching the point-of-no-return, relationship-wise, of course.
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