I agree that Kevin Love is a good player but he is a liability on defense and having played on a team with no shot of making the playoffs I feel that he became more interested in boosting his own stats rather than trying to win games (clearly bc the wolves were so bad that winning wasnt likely) Pau Gasol is a perfect complimentary player to Kobe Bryant and if they can develop andrew bynum further then they definately wont need Love...he has a bright future though and hopefully he can go to another team with a better suporting cast (PACERS MAYBE?!) i can only hope haha
Natalie Portman anybody??? She was in Star Wars, Black Swan, and No Strings Attached, she is smoking hot, likes men and women and star wars, cant get much better than that and shes clearly good in bed as those movies indicate
I'm nervously excited for Halo 4, its going to be interesting to see where they take the campaign story (hopefully they don't ruin it) but I have no doubt that the weapon modifications will be sick.
GS USERNAME: Hairlessboss 360 GAMERTAG: Hairlessboss REGION: Richmond, Virginia. United States TIME ZONE: EST SWEARING LEVEL: 1 USE HEADSET: I'm pretty talkative
Hey what was that game for sega genesis called where you controlled a fighter jet? All I can remember was that it had the roman numeral II at the end. Please help!
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