juicetino / Member

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Assasin's Creed/Skate/Rock Band/JOB/Christmas/Concert/Reviews/etc. BLOGGED

Wow, havent been on here forever. Time for a new blog post!

I'll start with video games. I rented Skate last week for the second time, but had to restart because all my game saves were deleted when I returned my PS3. I got even further into the game, but had to take it back. I should be getting it for Christmas.

I also rented Assasin's Creed last week (still have it) and it is definitely my favorite PS3 game so far. Great graphics, combat, gameplay, and everything make this such a fun game. Expect a review shortly.

Now, here is a miniature rant: I have been waiting on Rock Band FOREVER, and as I am in Canada, I dont get it till near Dec. 20 (a whole month after it was released in the States)!!!Whats the deal? Legal problems due to rights to songs? More games for the States? Or is it too cold up here and they just don't like us? I mean, there shouldnt be that much of a problem. We are just across a tiny border. But any who, I preordered my copy and expect to get it THE DAY it gets to EB Games!

Another thing: there are many reviews up I have written now, so go check them out and agree with them! =P I should be writing up about 10+ more soon.

To my job. Im pretty sure I told you about my night time stock job I was going to be getting? Well, I got it and have worked for about 2 weeks so far =D Its a great, easy, fast job and Im excited to be working there. Plus, I should be getting over $300 on my first paycheque, all going towards Rock Band and other payments aha.

I went to the Alexisonfire concert last weekend as well in Vancouver, and it was awesome. Pride Tiger (Vancouver band), The Bled and Anti-Flag opened up for them (2 and a half hours of opening music) and then Alexisonfire came on for about 2 hrs. It was a great show, and I definitely did MOSH IT UP!

Now, I must go play Assasins Creed again, but one more thing - CHRISTMAS IS IN 22 DAYS!!!!!!!