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Top 10 "I WANNA PLAY NOW!" PS3 Games

Yea, I just got paid the other night - $600 :D. So now I have $1300, which I can spend $1000 from =D!!!! So, now at the lake where my grandparents and uncle live, my 23 and 25yr old cousins have moved here from Ontario and they own a PS3. It was the first time I played a PS3 for more than like 10min and its awesome! They have Marvel: UA (awesome custscenes, game is allright)plus the Ninja Gaiden Sigma demo (awesome) and Heavenly Sword demo (awesome again).

Wanna hear my plan? Im gunna pay about $750 CDN for the PS3, 2 wireless controller, Resistance: FoM bundle. Then I am gunna rent Ninja Gaiden and other games in the whilst of getting bored of Resistance online.

I was planning on getting it at the end of sumer, but after playing a PS3 I am SO excited to play it Im planning on picking 1 up next week lmao. Talk about quick expensive life choices. Im thinking its gunna be pretty easy to go house shopping. Ill go into one house, like it and just buy it :P.

Well, in the wake of my PS3 purchase, these are the 10 games I am drooling over that will come out in the near future(not including GoW3):

10. SKATE - Sept.24/07

Looks like an intense sports game which should take over Tony Hawk as the top skating game next-gen.

9. Dark Sector - Q1 08

Ever since I saw the first couple vids and first trailer, Ive been HOOKED!

8. Devil May Cry 4 - Q1 08

Played the other 3, but I think DMC4 will be the best yet!

7. Resident Evil 5 - Q1 08

Resident Evil 4 was one of the best games I have ever played, and the next gen RE could be even better.

6. Cipher Complex - TBA 07

Since the first preview I saw of this game in the Playstation Magazine, I have always wanted to see more of it and play it. Knowing it may come out in 2007, this will be one helluva nuts birthday gift in January.

5. Heavenly Sword - Sept.12/07

Thought "Goddess of War" was just a rippoff of God of War (my fav game of all time), but after watching some vids and playing the demo there are some notable similarities, but there are still some great changes that set these games apart.

4. Assasins Creed - November 2007

Ever since I saw the trailer at E3, I knew I would buy this game when I had a PS3. With little news about AC recently, I havent been as hyped, but then I watched the vids again and am PUMPED!

3. Rock Band - Nov.20/07

Being such a hardcore GUITAR HERO fanatic, and having all my friends come over to play co-op and faceoff, having 4 instruments to play is just plain NUTS, not to mention the great soundtrack so far, downloadable content, and the drums just look wicked.

2. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock

Yet again because im a Guitar Hero fanatic, I played Guitar Hero 1 and 2 and Encore, and Guitar Hero 3 looks even better. With such an excellent sountrack so far (wiki it for songs) including Red Hot Chilli Peppers,Metallica,Tenacious D,Preistess,etc,this game looks AWESOME!

1. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots - Q1 08

I played MGS 1,2 and 3 and instantly fell in love with the series. Since that 10min vid at E3 and all those vids that followed, plus many previews in PSM and here in GS makes this game definitely my top excited ps3 game.