In this day and age, more and more people are passing graphics off for game-play. Well, I ain't one of those people. Hell, I can still sit around for hours playing Super Mario Bros. (if i still had it.) And I do play Mario Kart64 a lot some-days. I mean looking at games like Crysis, where it really does LOOK real, I feel intimidated. Mostly because my PC isn't going to be able to take it. DX10 features now. Smoke that moves like smoke should, shadows of clouds, rag-doll physics. They are all beautiful. But they DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT replace game-play. Sit me down in front of Halo: Combat Evolved or even Age of Empires, and I can still have hours of enjoyment. Remember back in the day when games just had death sequences, your body would do certain things when certain things happened to it. Well, say good-bye to them. Codename: Panzers Cold War has done away with those. Even Company of Heroes graphics' are starting to look a little aged. Games are no longer games, but windows. Windows that are clean, not clouded with dirt, or in our case, pixels. And forward we march, into this future. Let us just hope that they will not consume us. Making us mindless. I hope all of you continue to have lives, don't lose your head when you start to play Mass Effect and the graphics make you cry with joy. Look up at the stars and see the real thing. Because I sure as hell would rather go to Venezuela than play Mercenaries 2.
Good-bye everyone. And rememeber. Even though Xbox Live is more addicting that crack, stop and think for awhile. Hell, if you have to, think about the processes that make playing online possible. Just don't lose it.