It seems as you search for flaws in graphics.If you search deeply you will find this kind of things almost in every game.And i myself think there are so many stunning textures in MGS4 so i dont find any point searching for few weaker graphic textures.In mission briefing yeah it is so and for sky...yeah its a bit in some places but most likely it looks stunning.And why are you looking sky?No enemys are there expect B&B corp and they arent in sky alot :D
Hello,i started updating my firmware to 2.4,it downloaded it with no errors,then started to install it,when it was like 20% i went away for about 20mins,when i came back,my TV had PS starting screen,but the menu icons didnt come up.Now when i start PS3,the sony entertainment systems comes up,the waves start moving and nothing else.The icons wont come up.Also my controller doesnt function when i turn on PS3.It does work on my friends PS3.Please help,because i just own ps3 for about 1.5week.
Final Fanstasy XIII,Final Fantasy XIII Versus and meaby Final Fantasy XIII online if it comes. God Of War III, Home and Gran Turismo 5 8) Final Fantasy VII too :)
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