I have several:
1. Sonic (he's cool and has a 'tude but is really a great guy)
2. Yoshi (this dino has been one of my favs for the longest time)
3. Ike (I have actually never played as him, but from what I have read, we have a lot in common)
4. Mario (simply because I like a lot of his games)
5. Jake (strong sense of responsibility and not afraid to accept people for who they are)
Honorable Mentions:
1. Laguna (according to the test, he is the FF char most like me (empathetic & serious))
2. Rath (he's a cool guy and is a man of few words)
3. Ephraim (strong character who is all serious)
4. Erk (gotta love this kid who is too old in some ways but young in others)
5. Luigi (talk to him inPaper Mario 2 for a good laugh)
6. Hawke (dead serious and strong sense of reality)
7. Roy (good leader and cares about those around him)
8. Joshua (that guy gambles with everything!)
1. Florina (She is so shy but so strong in many ways)
2. Lyn (It's about time we have a strong female lead, even for just a part of the game)
3. Natasha (she has some of the best coversations ever)
4. Nicole (not really from video games, but she is the coolest ever)
5. Sally (a strong leader even if she gets confused)
6. Bianca (like that bad turned good twist)
7. Joan of Arc (only real person on any list. She has a great story behind her)
8. Marisa (again, dead serious and cool because of it)
9. Sasha (she is rather caring and is a great addition to the AW universe)
In case you were wondering what games these people came from:
Advance Wars Dual Strike: Jake, Hawke, Sasha
Final Fantasy 8: Laguna
Fire Emblem 6: Roy
Fire Emblem 7: Rath, Erk, Florina, Lyn
Fire Emblem 8: Ephraim, Joshua, Natasha, Marisa
Fire Emblem 9: Ike
Mario: Mario, Yoshi, Luigi
RTS games: Joan of Arc
Sonic (and Sonic Comics): Sonic, Nicole, Sally
Spyro 3: Bianca
So who are yours?
BTW, mine are only in order of thought of, not nec in order of favs.