- Just_Visiting’s Activity
@neometal89: You sound like someone who enjoys Dynasty Warriors and Persona
@neometal89: What the hell is a "normie"?
@dominicwow: In a gutter, with a needle in his arm.
The way I see it, we are already in the era of $100 games. Most major releases have a "premium edition" which is essentially just the base game, only tarted up with a 5 day early access privilege, a f...
I'm looking forward to the Jamaican release. "Da Ting".
"Will go down in history as one of the most shocking tv moments of all time".Yeh, it's right up there with the moon landing and the fall of the Berlin wall.......
If you shower and wash your hands regularly then your mouse and gaming/work space won't stink of sweat. If this is the case then you need help with basic hygiene, not a scent to cover up your inabilit...
What a strange article. The advanced age and almost legendary stature of the majority of these games means that it's very unlikely you wouldn't have heard of them, and if you hadn't played them by now...
@JamesHetfield89: That just reinforces my point about Obsidian only excelling at developing video games when they are already an established IP.
Obsidian have made some good games like Knights of the Old Republic but arguably their biggest success, Fallout:New Vegas only became so because they had such a good template to work with after Bethes...
The game could have fantastic gameplay but it will still flounder commercially due to the simple fact that the player character is a modestly dressed black woman and not a scantily clad Japanese girl....
"It's the future liberals want".I don't really care what people's political leanings are because it is none of my business but what I do care about is a gaming journalist bringing politics in to a pie...
@wadebtw: You "cba" telling me how i'm wrong?So you can't prove me wrong, got it.
@martinmarnow: The Grand Ayatollah would not approve of you corrupting your soul with deviant entertainment made by The Great Satan. It was probably him that banned your account.
@wadebtw: If the game was "practically dead" then I doubt Ubisoft would waste the time, money and resources on releasing a sizeable piece of DLC for it. There is obviously still a large enough playerb...
"Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii"F**k this, i'm out.
I just hope it's a good game to be honest. The Outer Worlds had the funny corporate theme going on but it couldn't carry the entire game and everything else kind of fell flat for me. The combat wasn't...
He "hopes" the price point will increase because it will help the industry? Since when has exponentially increasing the price of a product translated in to higher sales numbers?
There are 3 constants in this world; Death, taxes and that gamers will find any way possible to jack off to video game characters.
@muddrox: like it it or not, live service games are the most lucrative in the industry and a successful game is the holy grail for every developer. They all want a Fortnite or a Warzone because instea...
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