Hey, Its Mason.
I just got a girl and I went online looking for goods tips on dating (not like I'm a loser or anything because I already went out with someone before) and got this great list of things for relationships.
Check It Out:
Things To Help Out Your Relationship:
*- give her a hoodie of yours to wear so other people know she is yours :)
- Leave her sweet messages for when she wakes up
- Sneak up behind her
- Grab her by the waist
- Do anything to make her smile
- Always make her laugh
- tell her shes beautiful not sexy
- tell her she has amazing eyes
- play with her hair
- when your friends walk by say this is my girlfriend
- Say i love you to her face not JUST over the phone
- if shes sad take her in your arms and tell her everything will be okay
- NEVER cheat on her
- call her just to say hi
- kiss her on the forehead
- when you walk with her, walk slowly.
- Tickle her even when she says stop
- tell her you miss her, even if you just saw her an hour ago
- Dont say i love you unless you mean It.
- kiss her for no reason
- when she complains about how she looks tell her she's perfect just how she is
- listen to her when she talks
- tell her your secrets.
- protect her.
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