7th gen. I grew up with 6th gen and little bit 5th gen but 7th gen has had so many quality games that those gens don't stand a chance. I never owned ps3 or xbox 360 but only pc and wii beat those previous gens for me.
justcause2w's forum posts
Super Meat Boy Soundtrack--World 2-The Hospital
VVVVVV: Predestined FateÂ
just finished zelda 2 with save states. Now I'm trying to finish it without any cheating. Can't get past death mountain
I've completed every zelda game except 3D ones, oracle games and cdi games
Worst is definitely four swords on dsi. It was boring and had no depth at all.
I don't know why you people don't like zelda 2. It is my second favorite zelda. First is alttp
These games have high replay value:
binding of isaac
Super Metroid has high
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Rhythm Heaven/Tengoku
This is tough
1. Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon (3DS)
2. Paper Mario Sticker Star (3DS)
3. Lego City Undercover (Wii U)
I can't wait1!!!
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