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justducky731's forum posts
I wanted to see if anyone else is having a problem in Super Mario Galaxy 2. Everytime I play I start with 4 lives; no matter how many lives I have when I save and quit, I always start again with only 4 lives. It's not that big of a deal but it's kind of annoying when I've saved a quit with a bunch of lives and then lose them. Anyone else having this problem?
So everytime I try to play a 2 or more player game only one of my wii remotes will work. When on the menu screen all the remotes will be lit but as soon as I go into a game, it boots the other remotes off and they will not respond. I have tried syncing them repeatedly and calling Nintendo directly did absolutely nothing. Has anyone else run into this and if so what can I do to make the remotes work on 2 player games again?
Demons Soul. Liked it enoug to play for 20 hours but then reliazed I hated it. Story is WHACK, No backstory to NPC's, heck even finding quest and armor and weapons takes nothing short of a crystal ball.
lol what soul level were you? I was blown away at first but now after being soul lvl 80 every boss fight seems to be a breeze. So far im loving it. But you are right about the backstory and side quest.
I wish i never bought Fable 2, thats a POS wannabe RPG for kids
I agree with you on Fable 2. Waited for so long for it and it was just a dissapointment.My problem with Lego Rock Band is the songs they posted for it so far. They're the same drilled-in-your-head one-hit-wonder 80's songs that drive me up a wall. There's nothing wrong with having it geared towards children but maybe they should have songs that the teenage/adult population wants to play also. It looks awesome, it'd be a shame to never play it.
I got mine 2 years ago this July (wow it's been that long). Wii sports came with it and got Super Mario Galaxy.
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