- justin01’s Activity
Never finished this game. For some reasons my play throughs always ended when you get to that one planet where with the jedi temple where you make your first saber or something, and it was green and o...
I have been waiting for this for years... YEARS!!! FINALLY
Huh.. I actually don't know what that censored word is that he said. Guess I'm not as racist as everyone else likes to have me believe.
When they did the first 2D -> 3D transition in the trailer I pretty much shit my pants. OH boy gimme gimme gimme.
Should be ok now that the majority of MSM is a propaganda arm for the Left. Hell even Fox flips to the Left nowadays... I guess you could say they may be the least biased now huh... Lol
@bleedinghart08: Biden don't know the time of day nor even what planet he is on. Imagine being stupid enough to swallow everything the media feeds you, blind to it all. Imagine... being you. LOL sucks...
Better watch out for those terrorists carrying the American flags! Supes more dangerous than the ones burning it!
I was nuts for the KZ2 multiplayer.
Playing on PS5 and I cried a little when I saw the texture of a slice of pizza on a table. It looked liked blurry cardboard doodoo. I was like hot damn. The level of fine detail of tlou2 and demon sou...
Well, you know the sayin. Different strokes for different boats. Two sticks and a bone.
You're going to need Cortana on a stripper pole to save this game.
Thanks for the boat tip lol!
Pretty damn excited for this and the remaster. It is finally happening.
I'm going to stand mine vertically and place little miniature trees and scenery around it to make it look like a scale model skyscraper. Maybe even have some LED spotlights around the bottom.
That box bout the size of a damn building!
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