When I first got this game, i figured it would be just another fighting game that i would play a few times with friends and then pack away. Little did I know that Capcom would bust out of the gate on the PSP with this 2D beauty. In the words of the Iron Chef Emeril, BAM!!! Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower for the PSP is an exact port of the dreamcast version, but with a different title and maybe a few other things. Those buying this game looking for groundbreaking gameplay, new ideas and state of the art graphics will be disappointed. But if they look deeper, and see what capcom fans already know, is that it is a very solid and beautiful fighting game in its own league.
Considering 2D fighters are a dying breed, and that everyone considers 2D to be a thing of the past, I was very pleased to see this game ported to the PSP BEFORE Street Fighter, and i have to applaud capcom in this fantastic effort. The port of the Dreamcast version is all here, especially the beautiful fluid animation that each of the characters showcase so well. For those of you that don't know, Darkstalkers is a street fighter-esque one on one fighting game that has gained much popularity in japan but has not seen as much showtime here in the states. All the controls are the same as a street fighter game would, even the super moves are almost all identical, but if you look deeper you will see a casting of characters that few games are able to rival with.
If you read a lot of reviews by other people, chances are you will hear them complain about the directional pad, how you can't do moves with it, how it doesnt feel right, *blah* *blah* *blah*. The truth of the matter is, if you are AT ALL skilled in street fighter games or ones similar to that, you should have no trouble controlling this game once you get used to holding the PSP in your hand. I do not recommend the analog for this game as it is too sluggish, and if I can be so bold as to give my opinion....anyone who needs the easy setting to pull of moves instead of actually doing them, shouldn't be allowed to play these games at all, it ruins all the fun in LEARNING THE MOVES, COMBOS AND FIGHTING SYSTEM.
The animation like i said previously are beautiful and there is no way they could possibly be an prettier on the PSP's widescreen. The colors are vibrant, there is NO slowdown during combos, supers or any other time. Lets get this straight, the PSP is NO SLOUCH when it comes to 2D graphics, and this game proves it. This game is chock full of beautiful, smooth animation, and the PSP cranks out the frames better than the Dreamcast. For anyone who didn't know, the Dreamcast was the king of 2D games because of its high RAM and processor strength. Granted, they are 2D graphics, and they are in Low-Res animation, not quite up to par with Guilty Gear now-a-days, but they are still very pretty none-the-less.
The sound of this game hits you where it counts...with catchy stage toons, nice hitting sound effects and voices (when needed). The music is nicely composed and allows the listener, with a good pair of head phones to really appreciate the treble and basslines that this game has to offer. The sound effects of punches and kicks, etc. all get the job done as you would hope they would, so no gripes there what so ever.
Where this game i think takes a hit is in the "replay/value" section. This game is fantastic fun if you have a friend or 2 to play against via the system's wireless connection, and if you are both fairly good at the game, it is that much more fun. On the other hand, one player mode (like all fighting games) is not what it should be. Yes, there are unlockables, there are a hidden character or two, and yes there are pretty ending movies and the like, not to mention a nifty new "chaos" section of the game where you can do different handicap matches and try to reach the top of the "tower" while gaining rewards. Overall though, the core to this game is multiplayer and if you don't have someone to play against, you might find yourself bored eventually...that is once you've practiced the combos and moves WITHOUT the easy mode activated ;)
In closing, im sure you have figured out a thing or two about me since you have read this review...YES I am a capcom fan, YES I love street fighter and the like, YES I may like 2D fighting games a little too much, but let me tell you something. You could make a million 3D fighting games now-a-days, and you still wouldnt get the beauty, color and gameplay that you can have in the palm of your hand with Darkstalkers: Chaos Tower. With wireless multiplayer gameplay to boot, and a beautiful widescreen to look at it on, this is a game everyone should try to play for at least an hour. You may think I'm crazy if you've played it already and didn't like it, while I would say you are crazy for not appreciating a classic fighting game reincarnate into a handheld masterpiece.