Finished FFX a few days ago, I thought it was amazing - but I have to admit I didn't think it was as great when I finished it as I did when I woke up the next morning and realized how epic, personal and fantastic it all was, and how close to the storyline and characters I had grown.
I almost hated that the experience was over, that going through Spira and fighting those great monsters with my great characters...that I couldn't do that anymore.
So I'm definetely a convert to the franchise, now. Of course, in the world of Japanese RPGs, playing Final Fantasy is pretty common, pretty superficial. Everyone worries that the next FF will be dumbed down to the casual FF fans. I haven't yet delved that deeply into the whole fan base simply b/c I'm such a n00b to it.
I'd also sound like a pretty big dumbass...."Er...I've played FFX."
FFX-2 has had some mixed reviews, and the game's generally fan service, but I think I'm definetely going to play it soon. I think I want fan service at this point.
Anyway, I've started on the original Kingdom Hearts in anticipation of playing the sequel sometime close to the date of its release. So far, it's extremely charming. I've also picked up a few new PSP titles - reviews for some of those coming soon.
's all for now.
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