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25 7 10 and Facebook: A match made in the fires of wherever

Now don't get me wrong, I like, and I like Facebook too, but putting them together has so far been annoying beyond all belief.

Let me give you an example of what I have gone through since this whole thing started...

1: I go to the B:TAS boards, asks me if I want to login with Facebook. At first I say, "Sure, why not?" But then, the problems begin...

2: I've logged in with Facebook, only to find out that my avatar has been changed to my Facebook profile picture, this is somewhat annoying as I don't really want all my contacts on knowing what I look like, so I go to preferenes to get a different avatar. Life is good again, until...

3: I come back to later, apparently my sister has logged onto facebook while I've been off the computer, so asks me if I want to login with facebook again, not paying attention to the e-mail address on screen, I click yes. My avatar now looked like a girl. -_-

4: I fixed it again, so needless to say, I was pretty reluctant to login the next time it asked, but it just kept asking me and asking me everytime I moved to a different page. So finally I got fed up with it, and just logged in...

5: The whole thing starts over again.

Needless to say, this has been a major pain in the rear end.