jwlanning / Member

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For the Sake of Organization

Near the end of my days in Asteroid, old players started getting together in Voice Chatrooms, the latest technology and something nobody had ever done before. All I remember from that was having a good laugh at all the voices which for years we had just imagined (Nicodemus' voice was particularly amusing). Little did we know that voice communication would be a vital element of future video gaming.

The next game I played consistently online was Ghost Recon. I had bought Ghost Recon right when it came out but for some reason never even thought of it as a multiplayer possibility. When the Island Thunder expansion was released, I decided it would be a great time to give it a try. I became instantly hooked on the game, which had a massive internet following (100,000+ estimated regular players). My internet "nickname" had always been OZBORNE and it was supposed to be that in GR, however at some point I had made use of the offline-practice feature of the GR multiplayer (one of the genius aspects of it) and I had entered J. Hazard in place of defPlayer. It is believed that Jackson Hazard was born as my first character in Fallout. I started playing on UBI Soft's game thingie under the name J. Hazard and became involved with a regular server run by a guy named dudzcom. The name stuck.

I really sunk my teeth into Ghost Recon and sought mastery of it. One day while perusing one of the Ghost Recon websites I looked through a list of dedicated servers hoping to find some good ones, as I was getting sick of UBI's software. The first one I entered was the Black Sheep Retribution dedicated server, and it was in BSR that I was to find my first and only clan home in Ghost Recon.