@raining51: Certainly. It is a sub-genre with shooter and RPG elements to it. Yet, it is definitely becoming more trendier today, which might earn the same sort of category of sub-genre like MOBA did once.
K-Real's forum posts
@Ovirew: potentially could work, but it is a challenging creative task. Perhaps... Tetris? ;)
Jumping into hot areas is a good way to jump straight into the action, but there is a lot that is left to luck. For example, how likely will I pick up a gun before my enemy does? Will I actually find a gun in the first place?
If one does not a proper gun in short time, they are most likely to end up dead. Perhaps, strategies like hiding and scavenging fallen champions could be viable? But then, that leaves you out of the action and is very vulnerable. My issue is that it is hard to survive if you do not have a gun or don't have the proper experience to wield it.
I don't really understand why this is the standard. Why not drop with a pistol and one clip? Ring of Elysium does this. The RNG is already a barrier to fun for some, this could lighten it a bit without damaging the scavenging element at all. I feel like Apex already bucked the central tenant of "one life" so why not this one, too? If someone's gonna say, "i don't want to play a game that doesn't let me shoot unarmed people," you probably don't want that person in your game anyway.
Apex really nails it with map design and the redeploys, which both encourage faster pacing, although patching the boosters on the redeploy was a mistake. Sure, they didn't intend for players to soar from balloon to balloon and through canyons, but it was awesome and made the matches so much more intense...just keep it. You can point to similar features that have found their way into other games by chance. It was a happy accident and they ruined it.
@Ish_basic: I am a little conflicted with the notion of what a starting equipment should be... Yeah, a pistol would be nice and can be a way some range defense. But the game balance is quite an intricate matter.
What if squads begin to target people one-by-one? The fighting would just begin immediately (knowing how people love to pick up a fight in BR). Without weapons, people have a brief moment to scatter into buildings. Otherwise, the shootout will become more often as soon as people land. It can also put on a certain requirement for a skill for using a pistol... but that is a meta-issue, rather than the game.
I believe the problem with RNG is extremely difficult to fix. As long as people start with the same equipment, it doesn't matter what they will have, the RNG is still going to take its toll. In other words, the issue of "what if they find a better gun than I will?" will still be there. But I imagine that with pistols at the beginning, finding guns will far more dangerous and extreme...
Again, this is simply my frustration with it. It doesn't mean that the BR games are not good objectively, but playing it leaves me in a lot of frustration, confusion and disappointment. High skill cap, randomness all over, mechanics and the culture around BR is not appealing as I expected it to be.
@gettingonwithgaminglife: Well, the next challenge is how do we measure how good the player is in BR? By kills, wins, time played? The funny thing is that to win BR game, you only have to do one kill (or four if you are in a squad). It seems to be a little difficult for me to conceptualize how we would measure the "skill" level of each BR player.
Ideally, nobody should judge you harshly when it is your first time playing.
Unfortunately in reality, when you are trying to play for the win, having a "noob" on your team can be frustrating. Not only they are likely to die, but they also need to be taught the mechanics... for some, this could be annoying. Fortunately, I only had one bad experience in Apex with my team, I typically don't let it too close to my heart.
@Ross_the_Boss6: If we are talking about the balance between the champions, then I agree. Ideally, they all should be balanced and even the locked characters are not overly amazing. But it does limit a player (even if it is by little) in terms of tactics. What if I want to land near the facility full of closed hallways and rooms? - Caustic seems to be a good choice for this. Yes, it is very situational, but the beginners don't have such an option.
But perhaps, you are right. This is not as big of an issue as I make it out to be. But this shows that future champions might be locked behind the paywall, that can be OP or really fun to play as. But it is their game to make and their way to earn money, so I cannot judge too hard for this.
Well I was really bad and got harassed for it too so I just gave up. The fun died and the fad wore off.
Though I might give apex a try again but meh.
@gettingonwithgaminglife: It's unfortunate you had this experience. The nature of multiplayer games can lead to nasty and toxic people that can ruin our perception of the game. Hopefully, your return to Apex Legends will be a better experience!
I’m not going to defend the genre as a whole, but I really like Apex. Getting into a new match is very quick, so losing doesn’t feel like a big deal. Reviving is a great mechanic, and ensures you can continue playing with your team even if you got unlucky in a firefight.
Movement also feels great and the ping system should be introduced into almost every MP IMO.
I’ve found jumping into a hot area to be the way to go. That way you get right into the action, and avoid situations where you loot for 5-10 minutes just to die in an instant.
As for microtransactions, it’s a F2P game. They need to make money somehow. The paid characters can be unlocked for free with enough playtime. It’s not even that much time.
@Ross_the_Boss6: Apex Legends is perhaps one of the best BR titles that I have played so far. It is quick and the movement is indeed a top-notch. I found sliding mechanics to be very enjoyable.
Jumping into hot areas is a good way to jump straight into the action, but there is a lot that is left to luck. For example, how likely will I pick up a gun before my enemy does? Will I actually find a gun in the first place?
If one does not a proper gun in short time, they are most likely to end up dead. Perhaps, strategies like hiding and scavenging fallen champions could be viable? But then, that leaves you out of the action and is very vulnerable. My issue is that it is hard to survive if you do not have a gun or don't have the proper experience to wield it.
About F2P, I don't mind the microtransactions as long as they are cosmetic and non-aggressive. I would argue that in Apex Legends, having two locked characters means that those who bought them have an advantage over those who did not. As you mentioned, you can unlock these characters through playing... but that means that those who start the game will inherently be at a disadvantage due to fewer options available.
I should acknowledge my bias, in that I have a hard time to enjoy these games. Hence I am naturally more negative about it than I perhaps should be. Overall, the BR games could be fun to many others for many reasons!
Possibly the most common answer for today's age would be Dark Souls... I only played the 3rd one, but despite its difficulty, you will become better at knowing when to dodge, what to interact with and other niches in the game.
Battle Brothers is also a great choice, but you can argue that RNG components in this game can be "unfair". Yet, the fun is to improve your character's stats, their equipment and so forth.
Crash Bandicoot Insane Trilogy also offers good platforming challenges that start off easy, but progressively get harder, but still fair in my view. I love the game for its style of "show, don't tell" when it comes down to show new mechanics, interactions and challenges.
Divinity Origin Sin 2 is a difficult game, but damn is it fun to learn it. I played on normal difficulty and will have to admit that there are good challenging, but rewarding fights. However, if you are not fan of exploring a wide range of mechanics, spells, and interactions then I wouldn't recommend it.
@Black_Knight_00: You pin-point at one of my biggest frustration. Never in games, have I ever had fun playing against somebody who is way better equipped than me. Of course, the lady fortune might smile on you and give you amazing stuff, but then how is that fair to others? In addition, the next half is the experience you have.
While in many other genres, equipment is acquired through crafting, looting and by generally playing the game, in BR it is just up to your luck on what you will get.
Then the question follows; How will I get experience, if I just don't like playing the game? The answer you don't. You move on, just like I do with many of the current BR games.
@lembu90: Yeah, that is the deal today. Sadly, the industries will follow the crowd since more people = more money. It was logical to leap to the mobile version for Fortnite and PUBG, as the potential profits are bigger in there.
About the multiplayer, it is both a curse and a blessing. A curse being a lonely person in front of computer/console, while the blessing is the fact that you don't have to go out of your way to play with other people.
I was also a frequent visitor of cybercafes, where I would play with my friends, but I, to be honest - weighing both cons and pros, I prefer current multiplayer style compared to the past. Paying for the time to play games was not a pleasant thing.
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