I previously did a post about what Crysis 2 is lacking in. But now, I'm doing one about why Crysis 2 is the bombdiggity.
1) Dynamic combat
I absolutely love the suit power modes. Much better than Halo: Reach's system. Why? Because it actually allows dynamic combat, something missing in just about every multiplayer shooter out there. You pick a class, and then you're forced to stick with that class's role until you die. Here, you get all the abilities from the get-go, and each class only dictates your weapons and your suit modules, which change aspects of your guns and your abilities (like going in and out of stealth quicker). But this dynamic combat is just absolutely amazing. You can super jump on top of a green house, jump onto a higher floor, turn invisible, snap someone's neck, then turn into a giant Hulk with Armor mode, and then slide past a baddy and shoot him IN DA FACE.
2) Resource management
It gets you thinking on your feet because you have a limited amount of resources to gain the upperhand in battle. The maps are designed with these powers in focus. Sprint to an air duct, super jump onto the next level, cloak for a stealth kill, and then activate armor mode to mop up any survivors. You gain a new layer of strategy as you determine how you proceed through the match. It also gives a new sense of situational awareness, as not only are you watching your six, but you're also every direction, because anyone can sneak up with cloak, jump down, or sprint to you and get a kill. It provides a new dynamic, because you need to manage your abilities, giving the best of fast-paced combat and strategic combat.
3) Perfect time period
The near future setting and unique storyline make for a very interesting game. It is set close enough to the modern day to feature modern day weapons such as the A-10 Thunderbolt II (nicknamed the Warthog, as seen prominently throughout the multiplayer demo) and the UH-60 Blackhawk (as seen in the "The Wall" trailer). Crynet's futuristic human technology allows a bit more advanced tech, such as the Nanosuit and their helicopter, to be featured. And then there's the imminent human apocalypse brought on by these aliens, which have very advanced tech, such as their gunship, which looks totally bad***, fires like twenty rockets, and has a mounted gun underneath. Best of all three worlds?
4) Worldy immersion
Call of Duty 4 used it as a small detail in their multiplayer level The Bog. Basically, you saw anti-aircraft fire erupting in the distance. Bad Company 2 took it a step further with enhanced environmental effects (Harvest Day lightning), massive explosions (Isla Inocentes and Atacama Desert), and enemy units moving in the distance (Heavy Metal). But, Crytek has now allowed enemy AI to be scripted to fly throughout the map. Looking off into the distance, you might see an A-10 Thunderbolt II chase down an alien gunship, or a formation of UH-60 flying to their objective. It's immersion at its best. Also, the buildings and monstrous and does a good job at making you feel like a tiny ant.
5) The effing graphics
Yes, this is the final reason why this game is friggin' awesome. The graphics. No other console game can beat it. Not even your precious Killzone 3 or Uncharted 3, you PS3 fanboys. No, Crysis 2 has some of the best...actually, it has THE BEST graphics for any current generation console game. The HDR bloom lighting effect when exiting buildings is perfectly orchestrated. Character models are intricately detailed, but what's even more impressive is the amount of detail into the environments. Buildings look realistically destroyed, vehicles look impressively lifelike, and foliage are designed intelligently. Then you look off into the distance, and all you see is Manhattan's iconic urban jungle, destroyed. You can't get any better than that.