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I'm posting it in my blog anyways

Here you go, the original unedited copy:

Okay, I've started a thread like this on another game (Bad Company 2), so I'm here to inform you of what's new in the game. If this gets buried by piles of useless threads, I'll stop updating.

So far, only the multiplayer portion has been shown to us. And inferring from recent videos (the ViDoc and the multiplayer trailer), there's quite a wealth of new info to be released.

1) You have a multitude of new game modes. The Arena, Spartans vs. Elites, and Invasion are a few that I remember. Hope they add a more objective-oriented feel to the game this time around.

2) Character customization is beyond me. You can now add individual parts to your character (this was partially confirmed from the ViDoc). You can add grenade vests, ammo bandoliers (possibly) and improved armor (possibly). Combined with the already full-fledged custom armor system may be a visual replacement for the standard perks that dominate Modern Warfare 2. As in, if you add in E.O.D., which stands for Explosive Ordinance Disposal, you have increased resistance to explosives. Or E.V.A., which stands for Extra Vehicular Activity, gives you a slight boost in vehicle speed, damage, or armor. And the individual pieces like the grenade vest may increase your grenade count, but make you slower. So less or no attachments at all to your character may make you a swift ninja, whereas tons of attachments make you a walking tank.

3) Instead of assigning colors to your primary armor, your shoulder plates, and armor detail, it appears you can assign individual colors to each piece. So if you want to go flaming homosexual, then so be it, adding purple to one shoulder, pink to another, light blue to your chest, and to top it off, scarlet on your helmet. This isn't confirmed, but seems likely, from the multiplayer trailer.

3) Completely new weapons. The grenade launcher is a welcome addition, the DMR is pretty much a reskinned version of the original BR, which in the Halo 2 demo was single shot, just like the DMR. The AR looks a bit weird, but doesn't fit in with the timeline. If they recently introduced the 32 magazine, then why make the pre-Halo 1 AR with 32 rounds and tons of accuracy, but the Halo 1 AR with 60 rounds and little accuracy? Whatever, whatever works works.

4) Improved campaign. You're thrown into a sandbox and left to do whatever. A dynamic battle function may be installed. Like every once in a while, the game spawns a couple Hornets to fly NW while you're travelling SE. The new and improved AI comes in 3 forms. The first form is from far away, where it's the very basic of AI and does it's best to simulate a long-distance battle. As you come nearer, more and more details come into play, until you get close enough to view the AI at its best.

5) Intense and scary firefights. The improved game engine allows 40 AI in a single battle and/or 20 vehicles in the fray for an ultimate campaign experience. Plus, Grunts have been redesigned for a more scarier look. In fact, they took a pre-alpha drawing of Halo 1 Grunts and tossed them in. So, they look scarier. Especially since it was from a Japanese artist, when Japanese specifically specialize in anime and horror films. Or better yet, horror anime!

That's all we got. Hope you guys view into this thread a lot like my last one (2000+ views and 100+ comments), so please enjoy.