Mine gave no warnings, so I would say no.
kElliEnEwman's forum posts
I've been using my PSP 1000 a lot lately, mostly just minis and demos that I downloaded, and am thinking about getting a Go now. Probably not going to do it for a few months just in case a Peace Walker bundle comes out or, purely speculation, Sony modifies the PSP again (cameras, more internal memory?). Anybody else feel like this isn't the last PSP hardware upgrade?
Anyone know if you can use songs from your hard drive in the game? Last year our version didn't have it.
Mine died in July and the repaired one from Sony died 5 hours after I got it back. Console #3 will arrive Thursday.
I recieved my PS3 yesterday at 6PM after getting it fixed for YLOD. By 11PM ON THE SAME DAY I received YLOD again. I called Sony and spoke to a supervisor. She was very polite and helpful, as I was also since I figured that would be the best way to accomplish anything, and apologized saying that they would fix it again since it was still under warranty. She also offered me one free game for my troubles which I thought was a nice gesture because of the situation. Killzone 2, Resistance 1&2, Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted, Motorstorm...real games, not just quick downloadable ones. While the situation still does not sit right with me, I have to say that my experience with customer support has been very good. If anyone else is in this situation, maybe try for a free game? Just don't abuse it.
To anyone who knows: Is it a hardware only feature that allows PS2 games played on PS3 or could we eventually download a patch?
Just asking because I either need to repair or buy a PS3 very soon here.
I have a similiar dilemma. My 60gb yellowed and I don't mind spending a little more on a new slim system, but I want to play PS2 games. So either pay half to Sony and hopefully it works forever or buy a slim and lose something.
Something to think about...
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