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kaa0steoria Blog

Sweet spring coming

A lot to wait for considering gaming swarm (28.2 psn?) motorstorm apocalypse (18.3) de blob 2 (25.2) Need for speed Shift 2 (25.3) dungeons (8.2. pc) sorcery (29.1) bionic commando rearmed 2 (2.2 psn) test drive unlimited 2 (11.2) marvel vs capcom 3 (17.2) deus ex human revolution (8.3) dragon age 2 (11.3) Diablo 3 (Q4 2011) Elder Scrolls: Skyrim (2011-12) Mass Effect 3 (2012?) Heroes of might and magic VI (29.3.) Duke nukem forever (6.5.) sure I'm missing something from this list but anyway, a lot of cool games coming out this year. Hopefully have the time and money to play all of them.