@tomahawk08: MGSV has better AI and gameplay. The Last of Us has better AI and gameplay as well. I can't stand the lack of fluidity of character movement in fallout 4 as well as the AI, they act and feel like robots. At least the enemies in the games mentioned look like they have life in them with personality.
There is something definitely wrong with the ratings game sites give. On metacritic this game received a 5.5 by users, the ones who are supposed to enjoy the game and the problem wasn't just the graphics, it was the dumbed down rpg elements, story, combat system and AI.
The survival mode is a bit ridiculous. Instead of making the enemies (AI) immortal why don't you make them more intelligent. So, they dodge more and be smarter about attacking you, using various tactics to take you down such as flanking, better weapons, getting in cover more, traps, maybe sometimes more aggressive depending on the enemy, both player and enemy dying with less shots etc.
KaalKurayami's comments