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kadomonster Blog

Worms 4

Hey, Kado agian and just wanting to let all those action and adventure game players, (such as HALO 2), that worms 4 is not one of them. It is a strategy game and is also adventure, but a litlle conserved as far as the overall gameplay. Great Game!!

Halo 2

   I just beat Halo 2 and now I will play multiplayer For a Looooooooong time.:)

Too Long Man

   Halo is like one of the best xbox games, and there not putting halo 3 on shelves until SEPTEMBER!!! After all the rumors we finally kow when it's coming. Trust me, im a halo fanatic.

Need a friend.

  Anyone dat likes action adventure, shooter,  or any exiting games, tell me some so i can add them to my list. I play many games. Things like spider man 3 (which sucks for ps2) look good, when you have to actually play them to understand the quality. Anyone please be my friend.