kaihidou / Member

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Abscence for November+Game Rants

Sorry guys, tardiness somehow struck me and didn't do any posts for the month of November...

Anyhow, the new term are pretty much OK though the Assignments are fixed in a certain week and my next year term and already in and will start on the first quarter of 2009.

Then as for game rants:

Sonic Unleashed
I found this as the best Sonic game I have ever played after Sonic Adventure and Adventure 2 on the DreamCast. Everything is new to me even on nighttime missions were frustrating a bit yet getting S ranks on ALL missions are a new challenge to me so I seriously achived getting S on Apotos, Mazuri and Holoska. So far, so good so go for more!

Onimusha 3: Demon Siege
Finally finished the game (yay)! Overall, got an A rank and 'Offensive' title. Sadly enough, I wasn't able to get all the Haori for Ako (thus, no True Ending...) but I managed to get the Bishamon Sword (with the help of White Vest for longer battles). The last battle was great though a bit annoying. Even the Special Features were great too though I might try to play Adventures of Heihachi when I have the time. I even bought the Japanese version of the same game!

Onimusha Buraiden
And the reason why I bought the JP version of Onimusha 3 though I don't know how. Played Story Mode using Akechi Samanosuke and currently on Chapter 7. I don't have anything much to say on this game, sadly.

There are more games I need to rant but my mind is still empty...

That'll be my rants for today.