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Happy Chinese New Year! (Kung Hei Fat Choi)

Since February is approaching, I'll have a summarization of the new series that aired last Sunday.
[spoiler] Kamen Rider Decade 01: Rider Taisen

The Prologue starts where a woman in white stands in a large area and suddenly a missile was launched behind her and all of the nine Heisei Riders (Kuuga, Agito, Ryuuki, Faiz, Blade, Hibiki, Kabuto, Den-O and Kiva) are having an all-out war that doesn't involve each other, but rather at 'someone' so they all charged out then later all were killed as the woman just stood out during and after the war then a bright light shone above slowly descending and the belt was shown and she whispered "Decade".

Back in the real world, Natsumi Hikari, the girl who was in the dream suddenly woke up in her house (a Photo Shop) and wondered what was it all about then some voices were enraged and she checks it out. It seems that the customers didn't like the outcome of the pictures (anyone remember a certain horror film that the pictures are a bit crappy?) and she said that only one person can do that and it was none other than Tsukasa Kadoya. She apologizes to the customers and went out to find him and do something on the pictures. As she goes out, the mirrors start to act strangely and the mirror on the trash, Ryuuki shows up in the mirro but then vanishes.

Outside in a quiet area, Kadoya Tsukasa (the main charcter of the series) is busy taking pictures of mother nature with a weird twist then a group of punks showed up and said that this isn't the ones they wanted but Tsukasa said that he wants it that way, then as he checks out the lens and about to tkae a snap, Kurenai Wataru (the main character of the previous series Kamen Rider Kiva) suddenly appeared and said that the world he is in now is about to end then one of the punks got pissed off and tried beating him but he missed it twice until Natsumi shows up behind him and does the Laughing Acupunture by covering his eyes, quickly slipped behind him and poked the lower jaw as he starts lauging and made an apology.

Natsumi then asked would he take pictures in a bad way then he replied back and the sky ripped open and strange creatures come out and tries to destroy the city as both he and Natsumi got separated by a barrier then Tsukasa's side turned into night and Wataru appeared behind him again, telling Tsukasa that he must fight to save the world then asked a simple question to him:

"Where's your Buckle and Card?"

He disappers and Natsumi on the other side of the barrier tries to escape while avoiding the creatures that are roaming around then got transported in an another world as rain poured down heavily then one got killed by a Fangire while the rest are Undead, Worm, Orphenoch, etc so she quickly escaped and managed to hide in a safe place BUT unexpectedly, a giant Makamou shows up then saw an old belt and a book (that she saw in her dream) then Tsukasa managed to see her again but couldn't get close to her as the barrier is still intact. She was cornered by the monsters and Tsukasa saw her holding something then he remembers the question that Wataru asked so he tells her to give him the belt and the book but as he gave it, both became new and used again so he attaches the belt and opened the book, grabbing the Decade card and shouts "Henshin!" then inserting the belt in and closes both sides of the buckle, transforming into Kamen Rider Decade then the barrier breaks, hitting the monsters.

At blinding speed, the monsters approached him but he took out a card (Kabuto Card) and uses it, changing him into Kamen Rider Kabuto (Rider Form) and he took out an another card announcing "Attack Rider: Clock Up" then time slowed down giving him the chance to attack the monsters with his Decade Booker: Sword Mode and they were dispersed. As he changes back to Decade, the card he used was consumed, making it ineffctive for the next few fights. He then told Natsumi to come and found out the cause so he rode the bike and checked the area (the fat guy with the picture turned into ash) but she got attacked behind causing her to fell off the bike and Decade stopped and tried to save her as he picked out and another card that transforms him into Kamen Rider 555 (Faiz) along with a card than turns his vehicle into an AI robot/bike (Auto-Vajin). He then sheathes out the Faiz Edge on Auto-Vajin and manages to beat them all but more and more were coming and the cards were consumed so he gets to choose the last card and transforms into Kamen Rider Hibiki, then used the Attack Ride: Ongekibou Rekka to scorch out the last few monsters.

As they walked around, Tsukasa checked all of the cards and they were ALL consumed! He then wondered how will he able to fight without the soul of the cards but a huge explosion struck out the city and as everyone ran in fear but the mother and child tried to save themselves as Natsumi tries to save them, time suddenly stops and Wataru appeared again (for the third time) to explain why all of the creatures from the 9 previous Heisei series have been appearing. He said that the 9 worlds are colliding to the present that would trigger the destruction of the whole world so he must fight and get all of the other data of the Riders if he wants to save his own world then he reversed the time back where nothing happened.

They went back home as Natsumi's dad tried to fix the TV then Tsukasa decided that he will go on an adventure but Natsumi decides to go along with also but he said that it's dangerous for but her dad says that it's all right by him as he yanks something that he can't pull it down then as he pulls it down, the poster shone on a portion then he had an idea but when he went outside, his clothes changed into a police uniform then a couple of police car are heading through. What he didn't know that he is inside the poster that Natsumi's dad is pulling! (Portrait of Ruin anyone?) So he rushes to where the scene is and a group man-like monsters (or Grongi) are showing up, defeating the police force but a youngster in an orange jacket while riding a bike saw what's going on and ran as the belt materializes and shouts "Henshin!", transforming to Kamen Rider Kuuga and helped beating the Grongi out but Tsukasa exclaimed that he is in the world of Kuuga. Episode One comes to a conclude.

Next episode, Yuusuke Onodera (Kamen Rider Kuuga) aids Tsukasa and Natsumi but then as he attains the Ultimate Form, he started calling Decade a devil and fights him. [/spoiler]
Here's the Opening Song "Journey through the Decade" performed by Gackt.

That'll be my rants for today!