kaihidou / Member

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Verto! (Henshin!)

Hello guys! So yesterday I got am parcel containing this game!

This game is Shirokishi Monogatari: Hikari to Yami no Kakusei on the PS3 that my older sister bought for me (lended her my $100 for this) at CDJapan. It's a First Press Release including the codes for the Geonet License and the Special White Knight Equipment (Sword, Shield and Helmet) for your Avatar! I streamed it yesterday on JustinTV (with only 1 watching, which was disappointing) and I had a lot of fun playing it. For those who don't have the first Shirokishi Monogatari, this game includes it BUT you are forced to play the first in order to progress on the second story (A clear save file marked with a star is required and no, not even the International Edition save file is counted).

Also, I tried Geonet and communicated with a couple of Japanese players (I made my very first friend there!) and played Mission Quests alongside to help them out.

This is also my second imported PS3 game (my first was Tales of Vesperia) and here are the rest of the screenshots.

That'll be my rants for today!