kaitco / Member

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New ways to procrastinate

I had planned on being ridiculously productive today (homework, housework, writing, etc.), but instead I have discovered two new ways of wasting my days. Creating YouTube videos will soon become the bain of my existence. I have loads of taped episodes and episodes of shows on my system that are just prime for YouTube video creation, and since my YouTube account (I am kaitco1984 over there) looks painfully lonely, I know this will be my newest obsession. It will probably begin with some X-Files and SVU videos, but I know my creativity will spawn some random craziness that is just rampant on YouTube. The second method of procrastination is not nearly as time-consuming as the first, but there is just so much potential to it, I get excited just thinking about it. I play The Sims 2 (my previous perfect obsession) like my life depends on it and a fun part of The Sims is creating new sims to play in the game. Today, I decided to make a Mariska Hargitay sim. Here she is: Mariska Hargitay The sim did not turn out as good as I wanted, but it was more of a test to see if I could actually do it. Now, I am more than inclined to perfect the process and to see if I can make sims of the casts of every show I watch...so much for my New Year's Resolution to procrastinate less...