I wonder if Desmond is going to have a hidden blade when his time finally comes. Is he gonna sport a pistol? For ACIII they're probably going to introduce a hidden boot knife haha. Will the modern assassin armor resemble the Altair's and Ezio's or is Desmond just gonna pull his hood up on his sweater? Are we going to finally be able to access building interiors via windows etc.? changing clothes? I thought ezio was going to be able to change back to his civilian clothesto be honest.
improvements to the noteriety system: have a sway scale that will have the populus start to like or dislike the Assassin. You'll hear crowds cheer when they catch sight of you dashing across the roof tops. If you are very well liked by certain factions they will automatically intervien if the assassin seems overwhelmed. this could also affect unlockable hiding places like a traveling merchant's wagon etc. the opposite as well, displease the masses and they'll alert theguards of your location,
bring back interrogations just incorporate the new mechanics like grabbing the target and holding them over a ledge or out a window.
Have simultaneous assassination jobs while working with another assassin, that could also be a multiplayer mode too.
I'll write the rest when i can pry myself away from Venice long enough X)
Jade!! Patrice!!! read this!! good stufff yeah?!! you know you love it. you can use it just hook me up with a copy of AC3 eh? eeeh? collector edition (wink wink)