This Game is going to be a fun ride. I'm quite excited about it. As of now the estimated release date is winter 2010, hopefully they'll throw in some more cool stuff by then. Not to say the game doesn't seem to be incredibly loaded as is but there's some stuff that would make really cool additions. Maybe even DLC if not on disc. Mainly, earning a personal VS or Battle Suit would be awesome. It could be earned through purchase by trading in collectibles found in the environments or it could be a mutiplayer online item. Players could have access to a garage or some similar area attached to the character customization area/screen where they can store their VS and customize it with weapon loadouts and paint schemes.
Players could then have play access to their VS via air drop in campaign or they start certain missions with it. In adversarial multiplayer they can earn the VS drop by a Moder Warfare Killstreak-esque system or earn a chance to call in the drop by accessing one of the Data Posts.
Without that though LP2 is still so very promising and looks to be bounds ahead of its predecessor which was an incredible game itself. I cannot wait to play this game. :D
I just need a better ISP so i can enjoy XBOX LIVE more than I currently am.