kaliban / Member

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Old gun, new particle effects

Innovation. A new, novel concept. Innovation is one of those stand out words that gets attention and taxes the claimed innovator with very high expectations from their audience. Rightfully so. the nature of this business; Interactive Entertainment, is such that a claim such as 'Completely Innovative! Brand new! Never been done before!' is unforgivable if it is a hair's breadth shy of one hundred percent truth.

Videogames, compared to say, movies; require more than passive involvement to entertain. Given this level of interactivity, a misrepresentation of a gameplay type element can usually be felt out with an hour or so of exposure. in a movie, the use of a preconstructed framework, say for story develpoement or the actual story itself can go undetected or be forgiven depending on how well the post construction frills manage to distract it's audience.

if a developer calims that their interface is brand new, from scratch and it isn't; It'll take your average gamer not very long to detect familiarity then eventually realize that this is the same interface that was in that platinum selling RPG only it's been re-skinned and flipped on it's X-axis.

it's one thing to be inspired by someone elses work. But calling Innovation when all you have is immitation, that is not flattery, it's plagiarism.

Question: where is the line between Plagiarism and Utilizing an industry standard? Is it when an idea is so freakin amazingly groundbreaking that there is no way from that point on to approach that equation without implementing said phenominal concept or risk having your work deemed incomplete.

-whats that? no chain gun? this FPS stinks!

my thoughts NEVER come out the way i think them, or even in any intelligent form. case in point: All of the above.