Before new year's eve, I decided to start off with a new character and adventure. I reckoned that my first file, the one where my character is a gnome warrior, just wasn't working out for me, so I decided I wanted my new player (a Tauren) to be a hunter. The reason for that is, I would have a much easier time doing certain quests if I had an animal companion helping me out in different battles. Not only does it even things for me more but I would have an easier chance just in case I get confronted by two or maybe three enemies at the same time.
Now, I am at level 40, and I am now working to earn enough money to buy a mount for my player to make traveling a breeze. I decided that I want to ride on a Kodo (I call them rhinos really) even though they don't look that fast. I have been playing nonstop since before new year's eve, and this is my result from the over twenty days I have been playing the game constantly day and night.
I only have two pets, and I am kind of struggling to find a third that I like. I am thinking about getting a flyer but I haven't run into one I like yet; just flying snakes and wyverns. I have a cat that I named Diego and a turquoise scorpion called Scorpio. I have a big thing for scorpions mainly because I happen to be a Scorpio myself in zodiac terms. Both Diego and Scorpio are kind of small compared to their not-so distant cousins I've run into occasionally, but that doesn't mean they're weaker. It's too bad, however, that pets don't grow as they level up because that would make a whole lot more sense.
However, I have also learned one thing while I was leveling up throughout this whole time: I have been hearing of constant attacks from players (I call them hackers) that want to make trouble by attacking and killing innocent citizens and other players without warning. After witnessing a few of these attacks, I declared a promise that after I reach a high level (60-70), I will try to give these troublemakers justice whenever I am there. Obviously, that is what the game needs anyway.
So, in conclusion, I will continue to have fun with the game, and not only helping myself, but also my pets and whomever players out there need some help with a quest. I mostly do soloing though (because it prevents death), but I like to help out sometimes.