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kamechupas Blog

Advance wars....

i completed advence wars today(2:30AM)i've been playing that long because it was the final level and i was excited, even having classes at 8:30AM:P now im playing advance wars 2:black hole rox!!! bad part of the sick and i cant even go play tennis or basketball today, and i hate beeing on bed doing nothing(good part again[i think...])so, i'll be here more then i usually do, so i can post in a lot of unions!!!:D

What the ****!

when i go to "my unions" it shows that i have zero unions, but when i look to the leader of my 3 unions, i see that i am the leader. whats going on!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Final Fantasy X-2 completed!!!!!

well. I completed Final Fantasy X-2!!!! and i ask myself why does everyone hates it. it rocks a lot. it is a lot worst than FFX but this game is awesome too. well, it's i have to say this time. see ya! and do not forget to awenser my question: why do u all hate this game?

God of War COMPLETED!!!!

well, it took me a week to beat this game, the game rox a lot.and if u like action games, u must play this game.the only big problem that i found in the game is that th game is too short.

i give 9.6 to this game.

thats all i have to say this time.

see ya

Final Fantasy X completed

i know the game's pretty old but i think it's never late to complete a game and that what i did. i beat Final Fantasy X.  And i must say, Final Fantasy X is my favourite game of all time with .dot hack.

Everyone must try this game cuz it's AWESOME!!!

well, it's all i have to say this time.

see ya folks!